Nous sommes un service de pompes funèbres animalière.
Nos services: crémation individuelle, incinération, inhumation cimetière animalier où à votre domicile, fabricant cercueil et urne funéraire pour chien, chat, rongeurs et autres animaux de compagnie.
Pour se souvenir de ceux qu'on a aimé
This is a webring for dead pets. Living pets get most of the attention on the web, and it's about time dead pets did too. If you have a web page dedicated to your dead pet, climb aboard!
Have you lost a pet and believe it to be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge? Nearly everyone has lost a much loved companion pet, and knows what it is to grieve for them. If you have had a pet or pets that have crossed the bridge, please join us.
Site gratuit qui propose un espace pour votre animal décédé.